Admission Open - Nursery to Grade 10th
Admission Open - Nursery to Grade 10th (CBSE Affiliation No.130725)
Early Years Learning

A part of their child’s early years by taking part in their learning

Parents are a child’s first teachers. They have an important role to play in shaping literary, social and emotional skills. Parental involvement their child’s early years learning directly and indirectly impacts a child’s learning. The child-parent relationship has a major influence on most aspects of their child’s development. Especially when it comes to their learning growth in the early years. Optimal parenting skills and behaviours have a positive impact on children’s self-esteem, school achievement and cognitive behaviour. Parents who are involved in their child’s education create a connection between the home and school. Those who participate along with their child are privy to the many aspects of their child’s day.

At GIG International School, Singapore’s leading school branch in Vijayawada, we believe a parent’s participation in their child’s early years of education is beneficial. By being a part of their child’s learning and education, parents can plan for effective learning and help continue their child’s learning development at home. To help parents be more involved in their little one’s education we offer parenting workshops which are class-wise and elaborate on the fine nuances of home-based learning, a necessity during these unprecedented times. We also organise parent outreach training programs on GCR usage and effective usage of streaming.

We believe that by working together, as parents and school, we can ensure a child’s steady growth and academic progress. Here are some of the ways we’ve worked together in the past and plan to continue doing so in the future:

  • Hosting family online programs – One of our online family programs helped our students immensely in realising their own potential and finding the courage and confidence to stand up in front of a crowd or audience. This program actively involved the parents who took extra effort to make their child confident and ready.
  • Creating popular nutrition workshops – An entertaining and informative workshop where we spoke to the parents on the importance of consuming breakfast and making sure their children received the right nutrients to aid their physical and mental growth.

  • Promoting parent discussions – We always involve the parents of our students when it comes to important conversations. Like the one on the assessment policy of GIG where we introduced the parents to a comprehensive description on Portfolio based assessments. This helped and smoothened out the process journey of carrying out the assessments activities successfully.
  • Publishing parent-oriented newsletters – We make sure the parents are always up-to-date on the happening, activities and events of the school and provide a newsletter which details out these programs and activities.
  • Organising student entertainment – This global pandemic has made it even more necessary to organise these kinds of entertaining programs involving the students and parents, like skits, reader’s theatre and so on.
  • Helping parents with parents of special needs students – The global pandemic has dealt a blow to us all, especially to our special needs students and their parents who depend on our institution in understanding their special abilities and supporting their academic progress. Which is why we obtained information from the needs assessment analysis Planning alternatives for these parents, for e.g. by conducting a virtual Phonics session which was very effective and helped the child’s progress within a week.

GIG International School’s aim to create future-ready global citizens with our unique enquiry based curriculum and learning frameworks and inculcating a global and scientific temper in its students is possible when the parents are actively involved in their children’s education. This becomes even more important, keeping in mind the unique and unprecedented situation of a global pandemic, where we and the students are adapting and adjusting to learning from home.

By being more involved, parents at home will be able to replicate and extend activities that their child experiences in school. An astute parent will have an intuitive sense for what their child may need to work on to increase his competency and confidence. By taking an active role in the early childhood education process, parents can help ensure that their child has all the support they need to develop to their full potential. In this way, parental involvement helps extend teaching outside the classroom, creating a more positive experience for children and helping them perform better when they are in school.

At GIG International School, we believe educating a child is sometimes a shared responsibility between the parents and the school. When parents support their child’s learning at home, it creates a positive experience for the little one and helps them perform better in school. What’s more, it also helps them understand the importance of school and family in their life.

Admissions Open (Pre-KG onwards) at GIG International School, best international school near you in Vijayawada. Connect with us today for a global education for your child!


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